# Event logging and telemetry JupyterHub can be configured to record structured events from a running server using Jupyter's [Telemetry System]. The types of events that JupyterHub emits are defined by [JSON schemas] listed at the bottom of this [page]. ## How to emit events Event logging is handled by its `Eventlog` object. This leverages Python's standing [logging] library to emit, filter, and collect event data. To begin recording events, you'll need to set two configurations: > 1. `handlers`: tells the EventLog _where_ to route your events. This trait is a list of Python logging handlers that route events to the event log file. > 2. `allows_schemas`: tells the EventLog _which_ events should be recorded. No events are emitted by default; all recorded events must be listed here. Here's a basic example: ``` import logging c.EventLog.handlers = [ logging.FileHandler('event.log'), ] c.EventLog.allowed_schemas = [ 'hub.jupyter.org/server-action' ] ``` The output is a file, `"event.log"`, with events recorded as JSON data. (page)= ## Event schemas ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 server-actions ``` [json schemas]: https://json-schema.org/ [logging]: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html [telemetry system]: https://github.com/jupyter/telemetry